Monday, December 29, 2008


I'm back after a really fun and long summer and fall and beginning to winter. May may have been the last time i posted and that was like 7 months ago. oh well. cuz now i got a camera to take more than just pics of me at my computer and i'm consistently going to work everyday and consistently getting bored at work everyday, so i'll entertain myself with this old thing.

to start off, check out this post of a foreign photo editorial which shows 'the new dandy'. from modeman.

also today as i was doing my blog rounds i found this awesome vogue paris article that takes a 20-year-old model and transforms her age from 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, to 60-years-old using only 'natural' techniques. meaning no photoshop or whatever, just hair, makeup, light and angle tricks.
from gems sty.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

still nothing

this is me writing just to write. i went to danny's downtown deli for lunch. i was watching a history channel show about tobacco while i ate but couldnt really hear a thing eventhough no one was in the shop but me for awhile...that it until former co-worker and former ex-type-thing came in and made my remaining few bites awkward, but on the up side im pretty sure i made their first few bites just as weird. theres nothing like random bits of your past sweeping in and out of your life for good or for whatever they are. i guess its time for me to continue to scour ebay for that perfect half lined summer blazer. not that i ever find or get what i really want.

your daily dose
i hope its enough.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

nothing much

the daily dose of narcissism by me.

p.s. for all none of you that dont read my blog and live in my town, there is a really awesome deal every tuesday at randy's (48th and holderage). $2.99 for a 6-8 oz. fresh handmade hamburger and fries served all day long. the place and staff sucks but the burger is worth it.

Friday, May 23, 2008

clothes of the day

i am wearing my idol buttons today.

the guy on the left is ryan 'the don' adams. the couple on the right are pete doherty and kate moss. all three of them help me through bad nights and shit.

how do you like the office flowers? i got the roses for my co-workers b-day. i hope she likd them.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

The office

here is me making a rare appearance late in the week at the office.

these piles and files of paper are going to take me up to 9 months to file this summer. a few months ago it would take me a day to do this much but its interim and i dont care.

this is what our office looks like when you walk by normally...michael not in his desk.

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